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Video Recording Systems

South Central Ambulance Service - Whiteley Education Centre


The Whiteley Education Centre is South Central Ambulance Service's new Clinical Skills training centre in Hampshire. As part of the integration for this project, SCAS chose the cSkills software and hardware solution from Cameron Communications.

The main requirements of the project included:

  • Design and implement a network for the cSkills system encompassing all of the control, debrief and simulation areas
  • Provide recording facilities in the multipurpose and immersive room simulation areas
  • Provide the ability to capture, stream and record a vital signs feed generated from a manikin simulator for integration with the cSkills System
  • Have the ability to debrief trainees with video playback, or observe live a simulation in any of the various debrief and control rooms
  • Provide an immersive room solution

The Solution

Our cSkills system was selected as the preferred solution. We worked with the South Central Ambulance Service on the project to design and implement a system that fit the requirements for the Education Centre.

  • We worked with South Central Ambulance Service to design and install a network solution for the cSkills System, allowing the various control, debrief and simulation areas to be connected
  • PTZ cameras and ceiling microphones were installed in the immersive room and in the multipurpose simulation area, which includes an ambulance simulation
  • Five dedicated debrief rooms allow for both live viewing of sim areas and playback of recordings via the cSkills playback software
  • Network points were installed in the Multipurpose Simulation Area and in the Immersive Room to allow vital signs generated by the training manikins to be integrated into the cSkills streams and recordings
  • The immersive room had three projectors installed, providing a wrap around video solution. The video or images projected onto the walls can be instantly changed via the Camcom Presenter software, which is installed on a wireless tablet. The Camcom Presenter software can also be used to design new menus and import new material for use with the Immersive Room system easily


The system is in place now provides a flexible and easy way to record, view live, and playback to aid in simulation and training throughout the centre.

cSkills is an IP based system, so changing or adding to the streams that are available within a group is a straightforward process. This provides a great degree of future proofing and flexibility allowing the system to adapt and change as the needs of the centre evolve.

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