Queen Elizabeth University Hospital - Birmingham
As part of the refurbishment of at the East 5 Training centre to setup a fully equipped modern simulation centre, a dedicated camera and recording solution to aid the simulation and debriefing process was required.
The main requirements of the project included:
- Provide recording facilities in the various simulation areas including ward area, operating theatre, resus room, consultation room, and anaesthetic
- Implement an easy to use system to allow the recording of different areas simultaneously from the control room
- Provide the ability to capture, stream and record a vital signs feed generated from a manikin simulator in the operating theatre, ward area, resus room and anaesthetic room
- Have the ability to de-brief trainees with video playback, or observe live a simulation, from both the control room, the debrief room and 2 additional training rooms near the main centre
- Provide a portable solution that is easily moved around the simulation centre and rest of the hospital for insitu recording
- A key IT requirement was that the system had to be completely self-contained and not rely on any connectivity to the trust network as this was prohibited
The Solution
After a successful tender process, cSkills was selected as the preferred solution. We were enlisted to work with the university estates and IT departments, to specify power and IT requirements. The main requirements were discussed, refined and a completely self-contained cSkills network solution was designed and implemented during a 2 week window after the main building contractor had completed their works.
- De-Brief\Seminar Rooms each seminar has an existing large format display, we installed a cSkills streamer and connected to each of these to provide the facility for live view of a simulation and\or playback any recordings on the server. The main debrief room also has recording facilities that allow the de-brief sessions to be recorded if required
- Operating Theatre & Ward Area both rooms feature 2 x HD PTZ cameras allowing a variety of views and angles of the beds in each area. An overhead camera above the bed in the operating theatre gives an additional view from above. Audio capture is provided by drop down ceiling microphones feeding back to a local mixer in the room. Input points are provided to provide the ability to connect a vital signs feed
- Anaesthetic Room & Resus Room both rooms features 1 x HD PTZ cameras allowing a variety of views and angles of the single bed in each room. An overhead camera above the bed in both rooms gives an additional view from above. Audio capture is provided by drop down ceiling microphones feeding back to a local mixer in the room. An input point is provided at the bedside to provide the ability to connect a vital signs feed
- Office\Consultation Room this multipurpose area features 2 x HD PTZ cameras to provide different angles of view flexible to how the room is setup. Audio capture is provided by drop down ceiling microphones feeding back to a local mixer in the room
- Control Room features 2 x cSkills control laptop and 4 x 43” wall mounted display where an operator can observe, invoke recordings and operate the cameras throughout the suite. A talkback microphone allows communication to the ward, operating theatre, anaesthetic room and resus room via a speaker in each area
The system in place now provides a flexible and easy way to record, view live, and playback to aid in simulation and training throughout the area. Various camera groups (up to 4 cameras or streams) where set up initially for each room, the streams of which can be viewed in full screen or a quad split.
cSkills is an IP based system, so changing or adding to the streams that are available within a group is a straightforward process. This provides a great degree of future proofing and flexibility allowing the system to adapt and change as the needs of the suite evolve.